Monday, January 4, 2010

23/24 week appointment today

Everything looks normal. Apparently I did not gain any weight between my last appointment and today. I am VERY pleased with this, considering this was over the holidays. My goal is to have the same result next month. Don't worry, I am not starving myself. I am a bigger girl to begin with, and my doctor only wants me to gain like another 7 lbs TOTAL. I still have a long way to go! The baby looks good as far as she can tell, pretty much a smooth, easy going appointment.

My grandmother informs me that she has my shower set up for February 20th and plans on inviting around 60 people, yowza! Well, if she wants to and they want to come, more power to them, right? She also went to Target today and bought my travel system which is being discontinued soon. She got 20% off!

On a heavier note, I am getting more and more confused about how we're supposed to pay for the hospital stay. We do not have maternity (which I cry over at least once a week), just regular insurance. My husband is self employed and I'm currently in grad school and unable to find a job to save my life. They're quoting us around $4200 but that doesn't include the anesthia, pediatrician and she said something else. The epidural is $850!!! This is only if we pay BEFORE I go into labor. If we don't? It could cost $2800 to $3800. Just for the epi. RIDICULOUS! What makes the price jump $2k? I really want to know.

We were not planning on having this baby. He is a total surprise. And while I grow to love him more and more each day, I kick myself at the same time for not doing this the "right" way. Me in a stable job, us in a house instead of living next door to his parents in a place that only has one bedroom. I just hope he understands someday that we did the best we could.


Amanda Kay said...

Yea for blogs! I figured I would comment on this one since it's the most recent. I just want to say to you that it doesn't matter where Henry lives, or what he has because the one thing he does have is an absolutely amazing Mother. LeAnne you are such a wonderful person and that child is so lucky to have you as his mom. You and Jason will be wonderful parents and it will all work out I promise. You hang in there and keep your head high because later in life you will laugh that you even worried about these tiny things. Keep being that oh so wonderful you that you are!! Love you!

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