Friday, October 22, 2010

Long time, no update!

Two months since my last update, so many things have happened! I really need to start updating this thing more often. Don't I always say that?

Well we survived our Alaska trip quite well! Henry was a pro. The plane ride there was a little difficult at first but he adjusted and several people commented as they were getting off that he was the best behaved baby. He went all over the place with us. We left August 26th and came back September 4th (overnight flight, leaving the 3rd out of Anchorage). We came home with Grandma and left Daddy and Grandpa behind. Henry and I spent 19 days home without Jason. It was challenging, I won't deny that. Having to deal with every feeding, every dirty diaper, every fit, it made me a stronger person. Now really I cannot say I dealt with every single one. My mother in law, Connie, was wonderful. She watched Henry in the mornings for me as I was getting very, very little sleep. Some nights I didn't sleep more than an hour. I worried all night. There was no one else there to hear anything in case Henry was in trouble.

Before we left for Alaska, we decided that we would put Henry in his room when Jason got back and we were back from Santa Fe (we left for NM the day Jason got home for my cousin's wedding). Well about a week into being home alone, a friend of mine, Kerri, recommended maybe if I put him in his own room I could get more sleep. Well I didn't really, but the transition was flawless. He slept just as well if not better in his own room than he did in our room. So he went into his room at right about 4 months.

Henry started his 4 month regression when we got home. He was sleeping through the night every night in Alaska and before. When we got home, he woke up at least twice to eat every single night. That was another huge part of my sleep deprivation. I was afraid that as soon as I would fall asleep, he would wake up and need me. Some nights he woke up 3 times screaming for food. I guess it was a regression as well as a growth spurt. He is getting so big! He was 26.5" and 15lbs 6 oz at his 4 month appointment on September 8th.

He started sitting up all on his own at about 4 and a half months. It was while Jason was gone, probably around September 15th or so. Every day it would get longer and longer. From there he decided he wanted to start attempting to crawl. He would get on his hands and knees and just stay in that position, trying to figure out how to move. He then eventually started thrusting himself forward, not understand that he needed to move his hands to make the crawling motion. He pretty much face dove into the carpet lol. We wanted him to wait until Jason got home to crawl anyway. I knew he wouldn't start crawling until after 5 months. Babies don't crawl until after 5 months!!

Well there is so much more to post, but this is good for now.


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