Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week 25

Well I have officially made it to week 25 and STILL am not showing. I can definitely tell more and more every day that I have a little one growing inside of me, but the world has no clue. While I know to some people this might be a blessing, as they'd be glad to keep people from asking them questions and wanting to touch their stomach, and while I do not welcome the touching part, I would like very much for people to see me as a pregnant woman. I feel like a fraud walking around Babies R Us and Target with a scanner in my hand. Or people must think that I am really early along, so why am I Even registering yet? Yes, I know these are silly and crazy, but you can be silly and crazy when you are 25weeks pregnant, right?

Speaking of registries, that was our big accomplishment of the weekend, going to both BRU and Target to register. BRU was having a baby shower that day with games and I guess prizes, so tons of people were there. There was actually a waiting list for the scanners. We lucked out and happenedto be there when someone returned it and we were top of the list, but there were about four couples behind us waiting.

What hassle BRU turned out to be. I had started a registry online but only had three items on it. They convinced me in store to delete the old one and start a new one since I will get some sort of coupon for 10% off whatever is left on the registry. So we fill out all the paperwork, give them a password to use and they say they will delete the old one and create the new one.

WRONG! They never deleted the old one and on top of that they never entered our password on the new registry. So basically there were two registries floating around and we could not access the correct one since it had no password on the account. I had to call customer service this week and get it straightened out, but luckily they were really easy to deal with.

Our Target was rather disappointing in the baby section. There were maybe 6 rows to look at and half the stuff was useless to us. Only three crib sets to look at. They didn't have the bedding we want either. We're going to have to go to another Target in Houston when visiting my mom and get more stuff put on the list. I know people are going to want to buy this little boy stuff for his shower!


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