Sunday, June 6, 2010

4 Weeks!

Sometimes, when Henry is sleeping, I want so badly to just go over, pick him up and cuddle with him for hours. Then I realize that would be ridiculous. NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!!! I have learned that quickly. He makes the cutest grunting noises when he is sleeping.

Speaking of sleeping, he refuses to sleep in his pack n play. For now he sleeps in his swing. I was completely opposed to it at first when Jason suggested it. Then I decided we could try it, see how it goes. And then when he slept "like a baby" (where the heck did this term come from anyway?), I thought maybe this isn't a bad idea. He HAS to be strapped in, and he is right by my side of the bed. And I check on him constantly. It's like he knows when it is night time now and when he goes in his swing, that means sleepy time. Whether or not he REALLY knows that, I have no idea, but it seems to be working for us right now. A few nights ago he actually slept 7 hours straight. Even when he doesn't sleep that many straight, he gets up, eats, goes back to bed until around 5:30. That's the magic wake up time it seems. Luckily Jason takes that shift. Henry will usually eat then fall asleep on Jason's chest until 7am. Then he's really up. No going back!

He's getting so big and strong now. He lifts his head up all the time, away from our chests and looks around. He really is taking notice of our faces too, and everything around him. He wants to see things and he gets frustrated sometimes when he cannot. He likes to be sat up, like on my knee, so he can look around. He still loves to be burped, especially now because it means he gets to look around. He'll sit up straight as a board for 20 seconds or so, really alert, looking around then crumble for 5 seconds or so and do it again.

He's taken to his paci. Now I know a lot of people say no pacifers are bad, bad, bad, but it really calms him down. He loves to suck and sometimes he'll be "eating" for an hour straight, 30 minutes each side, sometimes longer, but mostly just because he wants to suck. He'll be flipping out, give him the pacifer (which we do while still playing with him, or holding him, paying attention in general) and it calms him right down. He never figured out how to use his hands or his thumb, not yet that is. Maybe he still will

We went to JC Penney's on Friday, his 4 week birthday, and got his picture taken. He wasn't too thrilled about it, mostly the being jostled around, being made to change clothes, and the unfamiliar poses and people, but after he was done he sacked out for several hours. We got a chance to go to lunch while he slept the entire time, then Central Market, which he also completely slept through! We were so happy to get a chance to do some things without a screaming baby.

We've come to realize that he does not like to be left in his carseat when we're in a store. He is generally ok if we're moving, but as soon as we stop and look at something, he starts getting fussy. So I ordered a baby sling (ring sling to be exact). It's being made, so hopefully it will be done in the next week or so. I REALLY hope it works out because I think it will be perfect for us. He loves to be held and this way we can hold him, or at least I can, dunno if it will fit Jason or not, and move around. He quiets down in stores when he is being held, out of his carseat. Cross your fingers it works!

Tomorrow he will be a month old! Well Monday that is. I cannot believe time has flown so quickly. My little man is growing up! Things are getting easier every day. I cannot wait until he is a little older and we can start playing and interacting with him more. That being said, he's becoming a lot more interactive lately. We can tickle his feet and he'll squirm. Today he even smiled and wiggled around. It wasn't a fluke either, we got it on video! And he went to his grandparents' house so we could go to dinner and he did it for them too!

Now if only I had more energy to get stuff done around the house.


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